Magnesium: The top 24 foods for heart rate, blood pressure and bones
More than 300 essential processes in our body rely on magnesium.
Which food is highest in magnesium?
It’s a list that includes heart rate, muscle contractions, blood pressure control, bone health, and energy generation for the body.
Are you eating enough to supply your body’s magnesium needs ? Probably not, based on typical eating habits in modern Western societies.
Cleveland Clinic nutritionist Anna Taylor lists the best foods to increase your calcium intake.
highest food in magnesium
Fortunately, magnesium is a mineral that occurs naturally in many foods. Health professionals advise a daily intake of 310–420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium, varying according to age and gender.
But before you whip out your computers and start looking at nutrition labels, Taylor has some advice:
“I rarely recommend that people measure magnesium or other vital nutrients. It is tiring, difficult and unpleasant. Instead, make sure to include a variety of fiber-rich foods in your diet every day and you’ll reach your desired level . “
Here are Taylor’s top picks (sorted by food type) to keep your magnesium levels in the optimal range:
Nuts and seeds
- Almonds (roasted): 1 serving (28 g) = 80 mg magnesium
- Cashews (roasted): 1 serving (28 g) = 72 mg magnesium
- Flaxseed (whole): 1 tablespoon = 40 mg magnesium
- Peanuts (dry roasted): 1 serving (28 g) = 49 mg magnesium
- Pumpkin seeds (shelled, roasted): 1 serving (28 g) = 150 mg magnesium
- Chia seeds : 1 serving (28 g) = 111 mg magnesium
- Black beans (boiled): 1/2 cup = 60 mg magnesium
- Edamame beans (cooked): 1/2 cup = 50 mg magnesium
- Half a cup of cooked Lima beans provides 40 milligrams of magnesium.
Whole grains are rich in fiber
- Quinoa (cooked): 1/2 cup = 60 mg magnesium
- Oats : 1 cup = 56 mg of magnesium
Low-fat dairy products
- Milk (fat-free): 1 cup = 24 to 27 mg magnesium
- Yogurt (plain, low-fat): 1 serving (225 g) = 42 mg magnesium
- Spinach (cooked): 1/2 cup = 78 mg magnesium
- Chard (cooked): 1/2 cup = 75 mg magnesium
- Lettuce : 1/2 cup = 25 mg of magnesium
- Avocado (1 whole) = 58 mg magnesium
- Bananas (1 medium size) = 32 mg of magnesium
- Papaya (1 small) = 33 mg of magnesium
- Blueberries (1 cup) = 29 mg magnesium
Other vegetables
- Peas : 1/2 cup = 31 mg of magnesium
- Sweet corn : 1/2 cup = 27 mg magnesium
- Potatoes : One medium potato with skin = 48 mg of magnesium
- Dark chocolate (70%–85% cocoa): 1 serving (28 g) = 64 milligrams of magnesium.